Is it Legal to own a Slot Machine in Texas? |
- Slot Machine Repair Houston Texas

YOU CAN LEGALLY OWN A SLOT MACHINE IN TEXAS! | Texas, unlike some states, allows you to own a real slot machine (gaming device), for your personal use, as long as you do not operate it for gambling (operate it for a profit). This is different than some of the other states. Many require that the machine be a certain numbers old, considered an antique. Still, others will not allow you to own or possess a Slot Machine of any age! In Texas it is perfectly and completely legal to own whatever Slot Machine you like. We do, however, suggest to the use of Tokens instead of using U.S. coins. See our page on Houston Slot Machines Sells Tokens. Tokens for slot machines are only good for your slot machines. They are slightly larger than, let's say for example, a quarter. Once converted, a quarter equivalent token will be accepted and a real quarter will drop right on through and be rejected. No more loss of your coins when the kids are around and you are not. Houston Slot Machines stocks most of the tokens you'll need for your machine's denomination. |
Slot Machine Repair Houston Texas
WestfieldSlots - Slot Machines in Houston. Williams BlueBird. Crystal Forest - Bonus Round - Slots machine - YouTube.
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